57 E. Main Street, Uniontown, PA 15401

Gary D. Monaghan

Louise D. Monaghan


Workers’ Compensation

On The Job Injuries

Lump Sum Settlements • Return to Work Issues • Wage Claims
Medical Expenses • Modification, Suspension & Termination Petitions

Representing Injured Workers Since 1981

If you have been injured on the job, you may have issues with unpaid medical bills, not receiving your checks on time, or being forced to return to work before you are able. It is important to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.

Attorney Gary Monaghan will walk you through all aspects of the workers’ comp. claim process. Whether you need representation for initial filing of a claim, pursuing and protecting your benefits against challenges by the employer or insurance company, or in obtaining a settlement of your case, Attorney Monaghan is the attorney you want to best handle your case. He has been representing injured workers for more than 35 years. He is in a class of distinguished attorneys who have been certified as specialists in the practice of workers’ compensation by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law.

You can rely on the attorneys at Monaghan & Monaghan to maximize your recovery. All cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. There is NO FEE unless we recover for you.

If you have been injured on the job, contact Attorney Gary Monaghan here or call 724.430.9800 today to schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your claim.

Monaghan Attorney Building Sign Workers' Compensation Attorneys

Frequently asked workers comp questions

Do workers’ compensation benefits protect my job or other benefits?

Not necessarily. Unfortunately, unless you are a union member or have an employment contract, your receipt of workers’ compensation benefits does not necessarily protect your job or other employee benefits such as health insurance. Because Pennsylvania is an employment-at-will state, an employer is not obligated to keep your job open indefinitely. As a result, if you are unable to return to work and receiving workers’ comp. benefits, your employer may be able to fire you or lay you off if it cannot reasonably accommodate your physical restrictions due to your injuries. However, an employer cannot fire you or lay you off solely because you made a workers’ comp. claim. In addition, an employer does not have to maintain your health insurance or other benefits while you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits. If you receive what is referred to as a COBRA notice from your employer notifying you that you have the option to pay for continued health or other insurance coverage at your own expense, you should discuss this with your attorney.

Can I be forced to return to work while still recovering from my injuries?

In the event that you have been released to return to work in some fashion, but you have not yet fully recovered from your work injuries, your employer is permitted to offer you employment in order to bring you back to work. If you do return to work, even in a different job, your employer will be able to stop your wage loss benefits or modify those benefits. In this particular situation, your employer can essentially offer you any form of employment it so chooses, in order to bring you back to work. The employer does not have to bring you back to the same job or position you had when you were injured, especially if that position is beyond your physical restrictions. The crucial issue is whether or not you are earning equal to or in excess of your pre-injury wages. If you are earning equal to or in excess of your pre-injury wages, your workers’ compensation indemnity benefits or wage loss checks could be stopped or suspended. If, on the other hand, you are earning less than your pre-injury wages, you will be entitled to 2/3 of the difference between your Average Weekly Wage, and the wages you are actually earning in the new position.

Can I receive other benefits (Social Security Disability, Unemployment Compensation, Pension) while also receiving workers’ comp benefits?

Yes. You may be able to receive Social Security Disability, Unemployment Compensation, Pension or other benefits as a result of your injury (and possibly other conditions you may have). In some cases, if you receive these benefits, either your workers’ comp. or the other benefits will be reduced. Regardless, injured workers should speak with an attorney to determine if they are eligible to receive Social Security, unemployment, pension or disability benefits, and how these benefits may affect your work comp benefits.

When should I consult an attorney regarding my injuries and workers’ compensation claim?

If you have been injured at work, you need an experienced and knowledgeable attorney who understands the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act and all the regulations that your employer and its insurance company will unlikely explain to you. As he is certified as a specialist in the practice of workers’ compensation law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law, you want Attorney Gary Monaghan by your side.

Our Experience Makes The Difference. . ..



Phone: 724.430.9800
Fax: 724.430.0430
Email: info@monaghanllp.com
Address: 57 E. Main Street Uniontown, PA 15401


Phone: 724.430.9800
Fax: 724.430.0430
Email: info@monaghanllp.com
Address: 57 E. Main Street Uniontown, PA 15401


Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Evening and Weekend
Appointments Available


Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Evening and Weekend
Appointments Available

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